The Advanced Fibre Cluster, established by a group of highly innovative companies and organisations in the Geelong region, is driving international collaboration with Europe’s leading cluster in carbon fibre-reinforced materials, MAI Carbon.
Formed by Audi, BMW, Premium Aerotec, Airbus Helicopters, Voith and SGL Carbon, MAI Carbon is centred on the tri-city area of Munich, Augsburg and Ingolstadt (MAI), and part of the leading European network of carbon fibre clusters, Carbon Composites e.V.
Under the proposed Memorandum of Understanding, the AFCG and MAI Carbon will discuss and develop opportunities for collaboration, with a focus on the following:
- Objective 1: Help members of both organisations gain access and expand the markets and applications for carbon fibre and CF composites.
- Objective 2: Share knowledge to reduce costs and improve materials, parts and processes
- Objective 3: Accelerate development of net zero emissions and recycling strategies to support circular economy initiatives in both Clusters.
As a first action, with the support of Austrade in Germany, the two clusters will work towards a joint “Virtual Trade Fair” to be rolled out via a series of webinars later this year.
MAI Carbon has been sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) since 2012. The cluster has supported a series of research and development projects totalling 80 million Euros.
For a look at how Europe’s clusters are promoting competitiveness, read the 2019 European cluster and industrial transformation series of reports here.
Jun 2020